School of Telemedicine & Biomedical Informatics, SGPGIMS, Lucknow hosted the 17th International Conference of Telemedicine Society of India from 12th Nov. to 14th Nov. 2021. It was an annual conference of the Telemedicine Society of India being held every year in different parts of the country to create awareness, sharing new experiences and learning from each other in the field of telemedicine and digital health.
First Day i.e. 12th Nov. 2021, the event started at 9.00 AM with welcome note of the Prof S.K. Mishra, Chairman, Local Organizing Committee, TELEMEDICON2021. First session was devoted only for beginners of Telemedicine where Prof. B.N. Mohanty, Prof. Jayant Mukhopadhya, IIT, Kharagpur, Prof. Meenu Singh, PGIMER, Chandigarh and other 46 National speaker, 20 Chairs & panelist shared their experiences in the field of Telemedicine & digital health and demonstrated how this technology can help for delivering health care in rural parts of India. Mr. Baastian Quast, ITU, Geneva, delivered talk on ITU-WHO Focus Group: Benchmarking AI and Health Solutions as a special Invited speaker. Workshops on Telemedicine & Digital Health Policy & Strategy and Legal & Regulatory Issues, & Telemedicine Practice Guidelines conducted in IV sessions. Following were participated from India and abroad during panel discussion; Prof. J.A. Jayl, Professor of Surgery., National President, Indian Medical Association, Dr. Achal Gulati, Director Principal & Director Professor of ENT in Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar Medical College & Hospital, New Delhi, Dr. Balaji Ramachandran, Digital Health Transformation Expert, Bangalore, Mr. Anay Shukla, Founder Editor, Arogyalegal, Mumbai. A panel discussion on developing guidelines of Telecare for chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, neurological disease was considered by ICMR, National Centre for Disease Informatics and Research, Bengaluru with the help of country wide experts. For the first time, IIT Bombay, which had just established Koita Centre for Digital Health (KCDH), participated in National telemedicine conference to conduct a workshop on future Health technologies with the collaboration of National Medical Commission experts, IMA and NGOs. Telemedicine Society senior members addressed legal ethical policies issues relating the Telemedicine and digital health and carried out a workshop.
A total of 700+ registered delegates from Medical Institutions, IITs, Dental Colleges, Technical Universities were participated in the first days of conference in virtual as well physical mode. The scientific programme ended at 8.00 PM.
Second Day i.e. 13th Nov. 2021, the event started at 8.00 AM with three parallel Hall under COVID award sessions which specially designed for the speakers to present their work done during the COVID time. Prof. Abhay Karandikar, Director, IIT, Kanpur delivered Key note Lecture on Wireless Health : Promising trends for equitable access to Healthcare. Dr. Pramod Gaur from USA delivered talk on the re-positioning in Post COVID Health, Prof. D.R. Sahu, Lucknow covered the socio-Technological Dilemma of Future Tele-Health. Ms. Surabhi Joshi from WHO, Geneva, Prof. Isao Nakajima, Japan delivered speech on Digital Technologies in Infectious disease Management particularly for Avian Influenza. Mr. Frank Lievens from Belgium, Prof. Thais Russomano from Brazil, Katarina Hradska from Ostrava Czech Republic shared the experience on the Global Telemedicine & Digital Health. Apart from International, 22 National speakers and 24 abstract presentations were conducted throughout the day.
Inauguration ceremony conducted at the evening where Prof. R.K. Dhiman,Director,SGPGIMS inaugurated the conference as Chief Guest and Prof. Arvind Rajvanshi, Executive Director, AIIMS, Raibareli delivered keynote address. Prof. S.K. Mishra, Chairman, organizing Committee welcome the dignitaries and Prof. P.K. Pradhan, Organizing Secretary delivered the vote of thanks. A total of 600+ delegates from Medical Institutions, IITs, Dental Colleges, Technical Universities were participated in the first days conference in virtual as well physical mode.The Programme ended at 7.00 PM. Subsequently,it was followed with a cultural programme of thematic Kathak dance on ramayan and dinner at hobby center of SGPGIMS,Lucknow.
Third & last day i.e. 14th Nov. 2021, the event again started at 8.00 AM with three parallel Hall under COVID award session which specially designed for the speakers to present their work done during the COVID time. Dr. Gulshan Rai, Former National Cyber Security Coordinator, Govt. of India delivered Key note Lecture on Need of Cyber Security in Health Sector. Dr. Maurice Mars, South Africa, Dr. Luiz Messina, Brazil and Prof. Saroj Mishra from India covered the area of Health 4.0, a vision for Smart Futuristic Healthcare in the symposium session. Prof. R.K. Dhiman, Director, SGPGI delivered the talk on Chronic Disease Telecare, personal perspective with remote monitoring and management of Hepatitis C, Prof. Rakesh Aggarwal, Director, JIPMER, Puducherry emphasize on Digital Health Technologies for the management of public Health Disaster,Prof P K Pradhan shared his experience of telefollow up in thyroid cancer: more than decade long experience and Prof.Sanjay Behari shared his experience of e-CCS in SGPGIMS. Apart from International, 62 National speakers, 36 Moderators and 47 abstract presentation were conducted throughout the day.
Valedictory function conducted at the evening where Prof. Aneesh Srivastava, Dean, SGPGIMS chaired the function though could not attend the function due to medical emergency. Prof. S.K. Mishra, Chairman, organizing Committee welcome the President Col Dr. Aswani Goel, Secretary, Dr. RLN Murthy and other dignitaries. President handed over the Presidential Medallion to President Elect Prof. P.K. Pradhan virtually and Prof. P.K. Pradhan, Organizing Secretary delivered the vote of thanks.
Brief on Conference.
- Participants: A total of 700+ delegates from Medical Institutions, IITs, Dental Colleges, Technical Universities were participated in the first days conference virtual as well physical.
- Invited Speakers/Chairs/Moderators and presenter;
The Scientific Programme consists of 02 Key Note Lectures from Director, IIT Kanpur and Ex Cyber Security Chief, Govt. of India, 15 International Invited Lectures, 10 Symposia, Three Panels and 09 free paper sessions having 54 slots for oral presentations. Besides there are three Poster Presentation Sessions covering 18 posters and 12 Industry presentations highlighting technical solutions for telemedicine & digital health. A total 234 speaker/chairs/panelist taken part in this international conference. Best Oral and Poster presentations award and CME Points for all attendees is provided as per U.P. Medical Council regulations. Two Free paper sessions dedicated COVID-19 on Tele-care and Tele-education practices undertaken during COVID-19 Pandemic. - Industry Participation: A total of 15 industry participated and extend their active support for this event.
- Knowledge partner Institution: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur, Koita Centre for Digital Health (KCDH), Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Bombay and Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC), New Delhi supported this conference as knowledge partner.